Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sometimes we don't know what's going to happen.
And really it's most times.

There is a certain sort of faith, that the powers that be,
God, more often than not,
but also our friends,
our families,
government and infrastructure,
devices and machines,
all of the safety, net after net
will protect us, will catch us if we fall.
And a lot of the time
that's true.
There are a lot of nets,
and so walking across the tightrope,
if in a panic we look down, we are sure to see that it is a long fall
but the net is there
so it's alright to fall.
What we need to do is focus on the task at hand
and keep our balance
so we can make it across, and no one will have to catch us.

And so there is a kind of faith in those nets.
And there is a faith in ourselves.
We can make it across.
We have done this before,
or maybe something like it,
or at least,
we've done something
And so we have courage,
because we know we have skills.
I think I can.
I think I can.
And so that is another kind of faith.

Finally, there is the final faith
that even if I fall
and there is no net
and everything is broken
that too is a role I can play.
That last faith,
come what may
is the real heart of courage.
We can only really
take that next step
if it's ok to fall
net or no net.

(If you want to swim
you've got to be ok to sink.)

I've got support,
but it's ok if I don't, I don't need it
because I can do it,
but it's ok if I can't
because it's ok to fall too.

There isn't a monster under the bed,
and even if there was, I could take him,
and even if I couldn't, what a great story.

I sure want to get to the other side,
to cross the tightrope,
but I can only take another step
if I accept
that this might be the part
where I slip.
And knowing that
I'll step careful
and maybe make it across.

We can only wait and see.

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