Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nature and Sight

for a long time

For a long time on this planet, everything was dark.

The sun shone in the day, and the moon was full every 28 days or so and the stars were out when either the sun or the moon wasn't there. Lava glowed, and sometimes when a rock fell down a hill at night or when something in the water bumped something else just right, there might be a spark here or there.
But there were no eyes to see it.
There were hills and valleys, oceans and rivers and mountains and plains, mesas and fjords and deltas and islands and beaches and rainstorms and hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunamis and tides and geysers and stones and pebbles and rocks of all shapes and sizes.
But everything was invisible, because nothing was there to see.
After a while, things started to be alive. A little at first, but after not too long there were lots and lots of things that were alive. Little by little, some of these living things began to care about whether there was light or not. There was light and there was dark. And then it was whoever could tel the difference the best did the best, found the most food, or just grew in the right direction even (plants keep track of the light too, they just dont have lenses). And so it came to be that a world that was invisible became visible.
But there was still a lot that was not seen. What was doing the seeing was eyes. And eyes have gotten better and better as time goes on (though of course some eyes have gotten worse sometimes, and sometimes rather than getting better or worse they just got different. Evolution means all kinds of things happen, and not always what makes sense) but eyes can only see so much. Eyes could not see things that were very very small for instance. Or things very very far away. Eyes could not, for a long long while, see earth as a sphere gliding through space, or see the insides of things that had eyes.
More than that, eyes could not see the past, and could not see the future.
Brains though, brains could lead to some of that.
And as brains got better, more and more was seen. Slowly but surely, ore and more of the world was becoming visible.
And so here we are. Living in a world where we can see far more than has ever been seen. We see visions of the past (photographs and films and paintings and sculptures etc etc) and visions of the future. We see big things and small things and insides and outsides.
We see the way things happen.
And we see how we see.
And we make seeing better.
And slowly but surely, we can make lots of things better.
And as Nature comes to see, she uses her sight. She acts on what she sees.
She has a trillion eyes. And they are getting better every day.
No more must evolution stumble blindly in the night.
Hey that lekking seemed like a good idea at the time I'm sure, but it's just a way to inch on down the hall.
We can run now.
We can look ahead and decide what we want to be.
And we can get there if we want to.
Our wants were formed in darkness.
But what we want is light.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Best. Creation story. Ever.